Ave Maria Pilgrimage Tours will be sponsoring pilgrimages to Fatima, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Poland, Holy Land and points beyond. Please check our website and Facebook page often for updates.
Ave Maria Pilgrimage Tours will also host your group’s pilgrimage. (Minimum of 20 people)
For more information, questions, or to join our email list to keep up to date with the latest tour information, please fill out our contact form, or email: pilgrimages@avemariatours.org
Contact Information
Dorothy Carollo
Ave Maria Pilgrimage Tours, Inc.
PO Box 237
Asbury, NJ 08802
Ave Maria Pilgrimage Tours is in union with the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA – Our Lady’s Blue Army, and the proceeds from our pilgrimages go back to help further the mission of the Apostolate.